Friday, August 8, 2008

Desserts on a Summer Evening

Just the other day, my sister and I made some delicious desserts. It was so delicious, I decided to share some with all of you.

A few months ago, we bought some ramekins because we thought it would be fun to make Creme Brulee. A few months later, we finally decided to make them and this is how it turned out:

It was very simple to make and took about 30 minutes (not including chill time). With chill time, it took about 4.5 hours. If you ever made Creme Brulee before, then you would know that you only use the egg yolks when making these. Then what about the egg whites? We didn't want to discard them so we decided to make Meringue cookies with them. Making meringue is tough when you don't have an electric mixer. We tried to whisk it by hand for a whole half hour and all we got is thick white goo. Maybe if we spent another hour on it, it might be be light and airy, but we were both tired from whisking at it. Anyway, we added some almonds to it and poured it all onto a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil and baked away. It had a marshmallow-y inside and a crispy outside and was surprisingly quite a delicious failure. This is the result of our labor:

All I can say is yum!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cosplaying for SakuraCon 2009

For SakuraCon 2009, I've decided on two characters to cosplay - Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Kilik from Soul Calibur IV. It'll be an interesting experience because I've never made armor before or done anything elaborate (Kilik's clothes). I was also thinking of cosplaying a character from Soul Eater as well...but I'm not quite sure who yet. They have a bunch of awesome characters I want to cosplay as.

In the past I've cosplayed as:
Kyon from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (SakuraCon 2008)
Anbu Ninja from Naruto (SakuraCon 2007/2008)
Sarutobi Asuma from Naruto (SakuraCon 2007)
As Myself (SakuraCon 2006)

I would like to share some pictures but they were all on my cell phone that died. I didn't even uploaded them onto my computer. How lame of me. Now they will forever be lost. Oh hey! If you just happen to have a picture of me in any of those costumes, that'll be great if you could send them my way. Thanks!

Sakura-Con 2009?

I was just checking the SakuraCon website to see when it will be next year and it turns out to be on April 10th until April 12th. And guess what, they will have performing that weekend. Awesomeness!!! It brings back memories of the good ol' days when DDR was the craze and we were all breakin' it to Butterfly. SakuraCon 2009 already looks like it'll be better than the 2008 convention.

This year's convention didn't really work out for me. I was with a group of people and we registered to do a skit for the Cosplay Contest. But who knew that registrations, preparations, and rehearsals would run for soooooooo long. Most of the time, we were just waiting....and waiting....and waiting some more for something to happen. It completely wasted our time while we could be off somewhere else going to group photo events, celebrity talk panels, the first Scandal live concert, etc! But nope, we were stuck inside a room with 50+ people doing nothing but waiting. I don't think I'll ever participate in a cosplay skit contest ever again. But anyways, we got to do out skit eventually and that was fun. (I was Kyon btw)

Team Skittles - Not Another Haruhi Dance!

And another thing, supposedly SakuraCon makes commercials promoting its convention but I never see them on TV. What the deal with that? Some of them are pretty cool too. I just love the reactions in this one!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome to my new blog. It's been a long time since I did this. I checked my Xanga journal site a few days ago and surprisingly, it still works! I haven't signed in to that site for like...a couple years. I was like WOW. But I really have no motivation to continue writing on my Xanga and kinda wanted to start a fresh new one.

As a disclaimer, don't expect too much from my blog because it will most likely be a random journal of my life and interests. To clarify, my interests revolve around anime, tennis, and watching Youtube videos. Fun, ehh?

Oh, and another thing. Why did I call my blog TehAbyss? That's because TheAbyss was already taken! Damn it.